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Merry X-mas Boss_TTS

Merry X-mas Boss_TTS
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Merry X-mas Boss_TTS

Merry X-mas Boss_TTS

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X-mas Greeting_TTS

X-mas Greeting_TTS

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What is TTS? TTS is the abbreviation of Text to Speech, a technology that converts text to voice. It has different applications: it could be used to create a voiceover for a video or to help people with visual problems to “read” texts.

Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. It's sometimes called “read aloud” technology. With a click of a button or the touch of a finger, TTS can take words on a computer or other digital device and convert them into audio.

Check all my Video Animations in my YouTube Channel:

What are the benefits of text to speech?

10 Business Advantages Text to Speech Provides

  • Access to a Broader, More Diverse Audience. ...

  • More Satisfying—and Productive—Customer Service Automation. ...

  • Agile, Affordable Media Production. ...

  • Instant Brand Recognition Across Digital Channels. ...

  • Consistent Brand Engagements. ...

  • Better Outcomes for Corporate Learning Programs.




Materials: Synthesia, Voicemaker, Murf Studio

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