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(AYSC VA Services)

My 3rd web creation and design, my favorite website coz I work here (lol).
Before I used WIX platform, we had the first AYSC website using WordPress web builder. It was up, with personal domain and hosted by It only runs for a year coz we didn't renew it, our business was just starting and we didn't prioritize the website's life as we had more expenses to be filled than a website.
I feel sorry for that poor website, anyways, It was created under WordPress software which is for me, "user-unfriendly". I'm not familiar with HTML, PHP, java script, yadda yadda. I prefer drag-and-drop web builder, platforms (software).
Now at WIX platform,  I created a new one, personalized and customized, drafts were done for only a week. I finished the website for just a month.

At you're at ease, the only problem with WIX hosting, it  costs a lot of money, everything else is free and mine has no bandwidth, unhosted ,and without custom domain name but still works fine, just like an ordinary paid website.

You can visit AYSC at:

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