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Why is a logo so important?

The Importance of Logo Design and Online Branding – “Your logo is a visual cornerstone of a company's brand. Your company's identity is visually expressed through its logo, which, along your company's name', is one of the main things that makes your business memorable.
In your own writing, logos is important because it appeals to your readers' intellects. It makes you readers feel smart. ... As you now know, logos can be defined as a writer's or speaker's attempt to appeal to the logic or reason of her audience.

Why do companies use logos?

The importance of a logo for your business. ... A logo is a combination of text and visual imagery that serves two purposes. It tells people the name of the companyand it creates a visual symbol that represents your business. Some logos have powerful symbolic association connected to people's memory.

What is the difference between a logo and a crest?

Emblem is a pictorial device from pre-heraldic times that has stayed with us. Anemblem represented an allegory, a body of people or a single person or Saint. So it is in every sense a logo. The difference is that a logo is a modern use term that has been more popular in polar culture.

Here are four types of logo designs to consider:

  • Wordmark logo design. Office Max, Home Depot, and Walmart all represent the most commonly used type of logo — the wordmark. ...

  • Lettermark logo design. ...

  • Brandmark logo. ...

  • Iconic logo design.

Below are five characteristics of a great logo.

  • Simple. Simple logos are the ones people can recognize as soon as they see them. ...

  • Scalable. A great logo should be simple enough to be able to be scaled down or up and still look good.

  • Memorable / Impactful. ...

  • Versatile. ...

  • Relevant.

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